Wednesday 11 April 2012

Spring cleaning!

Well quite often people have problems editing their site, my first advice is always clear your cookies, history and cache. So I thought it would be helpful to collate together here all of the OS (Operating System) instructions. So hit the link and get spring cleaning!

Internet Explorer

B x

Add Google +1 Sidebar Button

Howdy peeps, long time no speak!

Ok so this how you add a +1 to your side bar ....

Navigate to your google site in edit mode > click on more > click on manage site > click on site layout > look for the sidebar section > click on add side bar item > when the pop up box appears scroll down and select +1 button by clicking on the add button > the item box then shows under the sidebar menu, you can click and hold onto it and move it up or down depending on your preference > then remember then to click the save button at the top of your page!

For screen shots and  more info click here.

Any probs let me know ....

Beckystar x